Tennessee Computer Fraud Questions & Answers
Asked in Kingsport, Tennessee
Oct 2024
Could it be an attempted sexting arrangement fraud?
I recently joined a website called Grindr; it is an Adult Hook up site for individuals 18yrs and above In the cou rse of the chat, the person I met wanted to exchange our phone numbers. I was somewhat uncomfortable about it but went ahead and did it. Then they asked me for a picture of myself and I sent a photo of my face wearing no clothes but only a G-rating; they then sent me erotic pictures of their genitalia. They asked me to share naked photos and after some pressure, I surrendered and shared a single photo. It’s important to note that my face does not appear in this nude. Then the person went silent. Later the very day Ireceived a text message in reply. They had my first and last name, spelled wrong and they Said they were the father of the person I was communicating with. One of them said that he was 15 years old, not 22 or 24 as whatever they claimed to be and that I had committed a felony by talking to them, enticed me to send them a message, and if I blocked them, they were going to report me to the police. I did not reply to it. They tried to reach me through my phone when I was speaking to another person twice and have not heard from them for over 24 hours. This has been troubling me like crazy. They did not demand money. I’m not sure what I should do, should I hire a lawyer? Or block and ignore ?
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