Zachuary Thorpe Meranda

White collar crime Attorney | Serving Mineral Ridge, OH

729 South 3rd Street, Columbus, OH


The meranda law firm will protect you and your rights in the complex criminal process.

Kathryn Sarah Wallrabenstein

White collar crime Attorney | Serving Mineral Ridge, OH

41 South High Street, Suite 1800, Columbus, OH


For compassionate and zealous criminal defense representation in serious and complex criminal defense matters, call katie directly at 614-220-0238.

Sallynda Dennison

White collar crime Attorney | Serving Mineral Ridge, OH

88 E. Broad St., Suite 1460, Columbus, OH


Acclaimed, experienced, compassionate, non-judgmental.

John Leo O'Shea

White collar crime Attorney | Serving Mineral Ridge, OH

250 East Fifth Street, Suite 2350, Cincinnati, OH


Former prosecutor. available day or night at 513-815-3458.

Joe Edwards

White collar crime Attorney | Serving Mineral Ridge, OH

511 South High Street, Columbus, OH
