Eric John Lavin
Life Sciences and Biotechnology Attorney | Serving Downs, IL
425 S Financial Pl Ste 1900, Chicago, IL
Kelly Ann Plummer
Life Sciences and Biotechnology Attorney | Serving Downs, IL
110 N Wacker Dr Ste 2800, Chicago, IL
Jennifer Rose Andrew
Life Sciences and Biotechnology Attorney | Serving Downs, IL
120 S La Salle St Ste 1600, Chicago, IL
Troy Alan Groetken
Life Sciences and Biotechnology Attorney | Serving Downs, IL
500 W Madison St, Mc Andrews, Held & Malloy, Chicago, IL
Brent Andrew Chatham
Life Sciences and Biotechnology Attorney | Serving Downs, IL
Two Prudential Plaza 180 North Stetson Avenue,, Chicago, IL
Kenneth Jay Ashman
Life Sciences and Biotechnology Attorney | Serving Downs, IL
55 West Monroe Street, Suite 2650, Chicago, IL
Downs, Illinois Attorneys in Related Practice Areas
- Business
- Admiralty and Maritime
- Advertising
- Agriculture
- Antitrust and Trade Law
- Aviation
- Banking
- Communications and media
- Contracts and Agreements
- Corporate and Incorporation
- Debt and Lending Agreements
- Employee Benefits
- Energy and Utilities
- Entertainment
- Equipment Finance and Leasing
- Financial Markets and Services
- Franchising
- Gaming
- Government Contracts
- Health Care
- Insurance
- Internet
- Licensing
- Limited Liability Company (LLC)
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Oil and Gas
- Partnership
- Project Finance
- Public Finance and Tax Exempt Finance
- Securities Offerings
- Tax
- Telecommunications
- Transportation
- Venture Capital