Raymond C Bershtein

Real estate Lawyer | Serving New Haven, CT

900 Chapel St Fl 11 New Haven, CT, 06510-2889

Real estate, Government, State, local, and municipal law, Tax & Financial markets and services



  1. Emory University
  2. BA - Bachelor of Arts
  3. 1980
  1. George Washington University National Law Center
  2. JD - Juris Doctor
  3. 1983

Work Experience

  1. Bershtein, Volpe & McKeon P.C.
  2. Principal
  3. N/A

Contact & Map

900 Chapel St Fl 11 New Haven, CT, 06510-2889

Contact me

Raymond C Bershtein

(203) 777-5802

Raymond C Bershtein

Real estate, Government, State, local, and municipal law, Tax & Financial markets and services

New Haven, Connecticut