Jacob Emrani

Personal injury Lawyer | Serving Los Angeles, CA

28 years of experience

1516 S Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90015

Personal injury, Bankruptcy and Debt, Domestic violence, Immigration & Administrative law



At the Law Offices of Jacob Emrani our mission is to provide the highest quality legal representation to individuals who have suffered some type of injury may it be physical, emotional, property, or financial. As a full service law firm, with over 50 years of combined experience, our team of attorneys are committed to providing our clients with superior professional services, along with vigorous advocacy of their best interests during their time of need.

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Contact & Map

1516 S Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90015

Contact me

Jacob Emrani

(213) 748-7734

Jacob Emrani

Personal injury, Bankruptcy and Debt, Domestic violence, Immigration & Administrative law

Los Angeles, California

28 years of experience